From Time Warrior@time.warrior@THRWHITE.remove-ipn-this to aXis Computers & Communic on Fri Apr 29 09:20:35 2011
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    To: aXis Computers & Communic
    To: "aXis Computers & Communications" <sysop@(REMOVENOSPAM)acc17
    By: "aXis Computers & Communications" <sysop@(REMOVENOSPAM)acc17901.com> to alt.bbs.allsysop on Mon Dec 22 2003 12:47 pm


    Now, My bbs is 100% totally free, no bills in the mail, no
    subscriptins.. BUT, I request that people put in REAL information and I voice verify them.. And here are my reasons, if you like them good, if you dont, I really dont care because you will be missing out on one good system. Remember, the sysop is the one who spends $1,000+ on hardware to run the system, $500+ on software (I run WildCat WinServer), plus labor, time, headaches, etc... I am the one who pays the $80 a month comercial cable modem bill, I am the one who built the system and pays the electric bill because its turned on 24/7 a day.. I was the one who spent $300 to replace 4 56k USR V.Everythings when i got hit by lightinging on the phone lines..
    I am the one who goes to computer shows and buys $10-$15 Shareware CD's to load onto the system.. I am the one who shells out $20-50 to register each door on the system.. So, If I want your real name and phone number, its MY RULE! U dont like it, dont sign up. I have no problems with pushing the "D"elete User button!

    Now, Since I got to ramble a bit, Here are my reasons.

    #1) Most RIFF RAFF or problem users will not put in REAL information.. So insently you are saving yourself from problem/asshole users.

    #2) This way, you dont have ONE person signing up for 2-3 accounts because he wants his 3 people to get 1 person in lords, Thus once again, Riff Raff and saving yourself problems.

    #3) With systems having pop3 and Telnet access.. Now lets say one of your FAKE users log into your system, then use thier GOOF@acc17901.COM e-mail to send e-mails to their x-wife and say that he is going to kill her, or harass her.. But the wife has a PFA agains him.. Humm, Well the cops will COME TO YOUR HOUSE! because the msg came from YOUR SYSTEM!! And your going to tell the cops that goof from japan with a phone number of 555-1212 sent that e-mail!!! GET REAL!! The cops will then come back to your house and TAKE ALL OF YOUR EQUIPTMENT so they can ship it to the state police lab to have them find the ip address that connected to you, etc.. Dont tell me it cant happen because it happend to a VERY GOOD FRIEND OF MINE 6 Years ago!!! He lost everything!! He got his equiptment back 3 1/2 months later!!

    So deal with my rules or dont log in...

    <applauds loudly>

    | Time Warrior, Sysop: Malkavia BBS - malkaviabbs.com |
    | NC: Xpresit Net - Free Speech - www.xpresit.net |
    | NC: UNOFFICIAL SynchroSupport Net - synchsupport.net |
    | ICQ: 25055930 | AIM: Twar782 | YIM: twarxpresit |
    | Email: xpresitnet@juno.com |

    --- Synchronet 3.11a-Win32 NewsLink 1.71
    * Malkavia - Chicago, IL - telnet://malkaviabbs.com
    * Synchronet * The Whitehouse BBS --- whitehouse.hulds.com --- check it out free usenet!
    --- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.92
    Time Warp of the Future BBS - telnet://time.synchro.net:24
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From aXis Computers & Communic@axis.computers.&.communic@THRWHITE.remove-ipn-this to alt.bbs.allsysop on Fri Apr 29 09:20:35 2011
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    To: alt.bbs.allsysop

    Now, My bbs is 100% totally free, no bills in the mail, no
    subscriptins.. BUT, I request that people put in REAL information and I
    voice verify them.. And here are my reasons, if you like them good, if you dont, I really dont care because you will be missing out on one good system. Remember, the sysop is the one who spends $1,000+ on hardware to run the system, $500+ on software (I run WildCat WinServer), plus labor, time, headaches, etc... I am the one who pays the $80 a month comercial cable
    modem bill, I am the one who built the system and pays the electric bill because its turned on 24/7 a day.. I was the one who spent $300 to replace
    4 56k USR V.Everythings when i got hit by lightinging on the phone lines..
    I am the one who goes to computer shows and buys $10-$15 Shareware CD's to
    load onto the system.. I am the one who shells out $20-50 to register each door on the system.. So, If I want your real name and phone number, its MY RULE! U dont like it, dont sign up. I have no problems with pushing the "D"elete User button!

    Now, Since I got to ramble a bit, Here are my reasons.

    #1) Most RIFF RAFF or problem users will not put in REAL information.. So insently you are saving yourself from problem/asshole users.

    #2) This way, you dont have ONE person signing up for 2-3 accounts because
    he wants his 3 people to get 1 person in lords, Thus once again, Riff Raff
    and saving yourself problems.

    #3) With systems having pop3 and Telnet access.. Now lets say one of your
    FAKE users log into your system, then use thier GOOF@acc17901.COM e-mail to send e-mails to their x-wife and say that he is going to kill her, or harass her.. But the wife has a PFA agains him.. Humm, Well the cops will COME TO YOUR HOUSE! because the msg came from YOUR SYSTEM!! And your going to tell
    the cops that goof from japan with a phone number of 555-1212 sent that e-mail!!! GET REAL!! The cops will then come back to your house and TAKE
    ALL OF YOUR EQUIPTMENT so they can ship it to the state police lab to have
    them find the ip address that connected to you, etc.. Dont tell me it cant happen because it happend to a VERY GOOD FRIEND OF MINE 6 Years ago!!! He
    lost everything!! He got his equiptment back 3 1/2 months later!!

    So deal with my rules or dont log in...
    aXis Computers & Communications
    To Telnet to our FREE bbs
    Now Powered by WildCat WinServer! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    * Synchronet * The Whitehouse BBS --- whitehouse.hulds.com --- check it out free usenet!
    --- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.92
    Time Warp of the Future BBS - telnet://time.synchro.net:24
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Chris Martin@chris.martin@THRWHITE.remove-w73-this to alt.bbs.allsysop on Fri Apr 29 10:41:31 2011
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.allsysop

    To: alt.bbs.allsysop
    FamilyNet Newsgate

    Once upon a time, out on MARS.

    While reading the mail, wispering this:

    I have just one beef with your rule. I have had many experiences with
    who have misused the user records. One cosysop of a BBS I was on long
    ago, used the BBS user records as his personal phonebook when the BBS
    went down. I never got any peace because he'd call me all the time.

    I've had similar problems, especially as a door author. It's rather irritating
    to be getting 4am phone calls on my cell phone from a random sysop with a DoorMUD question, who got my number since I left it when making an account
    his board 6 months prior...

    That has to be Sysop specific. Not ALL do this...

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all about providing sysop support, but via *e-mail*

    please... I do not provide 24/7 voice support and never will, it just isn't


    I agree... Email is sufficient.

    Needless to say, I never leave my real phone number at all anymore. Sometimes,
    can't even use my real name... I get accused of cheating if I ever enter my

    doors (even though I'm just doing it to obtain feedback/suggestions from ot
    on-line players in the game). Also sometimes get threats from other players/sysops if I play *other* doors (I've actually gotten mails like "I can't believe you killed me in TradeWars, I'm going to boycott/delete your doors!"... sigh)

    Sounds like they are either just being "pissy" or they haven't
    figured out how to play the games effectively.. :*)

    My board requires the "Real Name" due to echo restrictions (Fido,
    and a couple of others), and a location. The CBV uses the entered
    user phone number, but it is WildCat! specific and accesses the
    ecrypted database for it. No one else can see it, or access it.
    Even I can't see some of the data, without specific utilities to
    do so, and I haven't needed it in the 10+years the board has been


    Back at ya..

    Chris Martin, The MARS Station BBS

    * WCE 2.1G1/2419 * ... Bill Gates did write a slowdown virus: WINDOWS

    FamilyNet <> Internet Gated Mail

    * Synchronet * The Whitehouse BBS --- whitehouse.hulds.com --- check it out free usenet!
    --- Synchronet 3.15a-Win32 NewsLink 1.92
    Time Warp of the Future BBS - telnet://time.synchro.net:24
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2