• EB_009GW and BDOS_260

    From AC Joubert@acj@lantic.net to alt.bbs.elebbs on Tue Dec 27 22:15:53 2005
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.elebbs

    Help? I want to run EB_009GW and BDOS_260 on my P4 W98SE computor. I'm
    looking for working BAT-files that starts the BinkleyTerm-frontend and the spawnbbs.bat-file that then starts EleBBS. I'm having trouble with the
    starting of the BBS from the frontend's bat-file. Although seperately they
    work fine. Please if you can help me, it would really be appreciated.
    AChristoff Joubert at Paul Jungnickel Home, Plot 45, Lynnwood Road, Zwavelpoort, Gautteng, South Africa; PO Box 2066, Zwavelpoort. 0036, South Africa; +27-12-8090245 (Fax/Tele-Soft BBS); 5:7106/46.1 (Fido-net); acj@lantic.net (E-mail)

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