• Rows Issue

    From nospam.Aaron.Thomas@nospam.Aaron.Thomas@f99.n275.z1.binkp.net (Aaron Thomas) to All on Fri Jan 22 20:32:16 2021
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    There's a weird issue with rows on certain Mystic boards.

    When reading messages, and in some other places, I'm unexpectedly seeing the "(Y)es, (N)o, (C)ontinuous" prompt.

    Somebody suggested "Go into your account settings and set the rows to 25."

    That works, but after I log off & log back in, the account setting reverts
    back to 24 by itself - and then the (Y)es, (N)o, (C)ontinuous thing happens again.

    This doesn't happen on my BBS luckily - but it's happening on 3 other Mystic BBSs that I know of. I use Netrunner always.

    If it's already been reported, please disregard.

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