From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic
How i can configure Mystic to check automatically the new files on BBS from the last call after user login *after automatically check new mail).
With a default installation you would add it to your PRELOGIN menu. Load the menu, edit the first item and press TAB to go to the "Action List". You can add whatever you want it to do there.
To add the new file scan you would insert the FN action as shown:
(MC) Check e-mail
(MF) View draft msg posts /scan
(FN) New file scan
(GO) Go to new menu main
This will ask them if they want to scan for new files. If you do not want to ask the user then you must use one of the "modes" in the Data field such as "G"
would cause it to scan all bases/groups without asking the user.
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