• Mystic.dat not found

    From nospam.Phil.Kimble@nospam.Phil.Kimble@f2.n128.z1.binkp.net (Phil Kimble) to All on Sun May 20 00:30:46 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    Is anyone getting a "UNable to find mystic.dat" error?

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic, I get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes /opt/mystic) or if it is an OS issue??

    This is Mystic v1.12 A39 2018/04/21 Fri. I know, never use anything compiled on a Friday!!


    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.Paul.Hayton@nospam.Paul.Hayton@f100.n770.z3.binkp.net (Paul Hayton) to Phil Kimble on Sun May 20 21:12:25 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    On 05/20/18, Phil Kimble pondered and said...

    Is anyone getting a "UNable to find mystic.dat" error?

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic, I
    get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes /opt/mystic) or if it is
    an OS issue??

    Unlikely an OS issue, Mystic just needs to know where the .dat file is

    In MUTIL.INI you can also set this for the benefit of MUTIL


    ; Set this value if you want to run mutil from a directory other than
    ; the root Mystic directory or the mysticbbs environment variable:

    ; mystic_directory=c:\mystic\mystic.dat


    Best, Paul

    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.Al@nospam.Al@f1.n770.z77.fidonet.org (Al) to Phil Kimble on Sun May 20 02:13:14 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    Re: Mystic.dat not found
    By: Phil Kimble to All on Sun May 20 2018 12:30 am

    Is anyone getting a "UNable to find mystic.dat" error?

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic, I get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes /opt/mystic) or if it is an OS issue??

    I have always run Mystic from the Mystic directory so never needed too myself but I believe there is a MYSTICBBS (or mysticbbs) environment variable you can set to run mystic from another directory.

    Ttyl :-),

    ... When you learn the answers, they change the questions.
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.mark.lewis@nospam.mark.lewis@p73.f12.n3634.z1.binkp.net (mark lewis) to Phil Kimble on Sun May 20 15:59:32 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    On 2018 May 20 00:30:46, you wrote to All:

    Is anyone getting a "UNable to find mystic.dat" error?

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic, I get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes /opt/mystic) or if it is an OS issue??

    IIRC, you have to be in the dir where the file exists or you have to set an environment variable pointing to that directory...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... Format that brain @FN@, it's warped I tell you!
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.Phil.Kimble@nospam.Phil.Kimble@f2.n128.z1.binkp.net (Phil Kimble) to mark lewis on Sun May 20 21:24:04 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    On 2018 May 20 00:30:46, you wrote to All:

    Is anyone getting a "UNable to find mystic.dat" error?

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic, I
    get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so
    wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes /opt/mystic)
    or if it is an OS issue??

    IIRC, you have to be in the dir where the file exists or you have to
    set an environment variable pointing to that directory...

    Do you remember what the exact variable is?
    export mystic=/opt/mystic or export mysticbbs=/opt/mystic

    I remember RA wouldnt run unless the et ra=c:\ra was set...
    mutil has the option for running mutil in different directory, but that is only when running mutil...


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... Format that brain @FN@, it's warped I tell you!
    + Origin: (1:3634/12.73)


    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.mark.lewis@nospam.mark.lewis@p73.f12.n3634.z1.binkp.net (mark lewis) to Phil Kimble on Mon May 21 12:27:10 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    On 2018 May 20 21:24:04, you wrote to me:

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic,
    I get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so
    wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes
    /opt/mystic) or if it is an OS issue??

    IIRC, you have to be in the dir where the file exists or you have to
    set an environment variable pointing to that directory...

    Do you remember what the exact variable is?

    i do not and T isn't here to ask if she remembers... however, i went snooping on her box and she has a script for running mystic and the config stuff...

    ----->8 snip ~/cfgmis snip 8<-----
    echo -e "\033%@" && echo -e "\033(U"
    cd ~/bbs
    ./mystic -cfg
    cd $CWD

    ----->8 snip ~/cfgmis snip 8<-----

    ----->8 snip ~/runmis snip 8<-----
    echo -e "\033%@" && echo -e "\033(U"
    cd ~/bbs
    cd $CWD

    ----->8 snip ~/runmis snip 8<-----

    i'm not sure what was being done here but it looks like someone was testing the
    bbs variable... however, they still changed into the bbs directory instead of running from where they were...

    ----->8 snip ~/runnodespy snip 8<-----
    echo -e "\033%@" && echo -e "\033(U"
    #echo -e "\033%G"
    echo \"$MYSTICBBS\"
    export MYSTICBBS
    echo \"$MYSTICBBS\"
    echo "--------------------"
    set | egrep -i -e "mystic"
    echo "--------------------"
    read -p "hit ENTER to continue"
    cd ~/bbs
    cd $CWD

    ----->8 snip ~/runnodespy snip 8<-----


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... It's hard to believe he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm.
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From nospam.Phil.Kimble@nospam.Phil.Kimble@f2.n128.z1.binkp.net (Phil Kimble) to mark lewis on Sat May 26 13:25:16 2018
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.mystic

    Hey Mark,

    Thanks for the push.
    On 2018 May 20 21:24:04, you wrote to me:

    If I run mystic -cfg from any directory other than the /opt/mystic,
    I get the error. I see it was a resolved a few versions back so
    wondering if I need to export a variable ($PATH includes
    /opt/mystic) or if it is an OS issue??

    IIRC, you have to be in the dir where the file exists or you have to
    set an environment variable pointing to that directory...
    While the software is outstanding, the documentation is a bit outdated. But, there are enough hints to find what one is looking for, if I stop & read the obvious...

    Do you remember what the exact variable is?

    i do not and T isn't here to ask if she remembers... however, i went snooping on her box and she has a script for running mystic and the config stuff...
    When the servers are started, "mis -d" Mystic defines the expected env variable
    & syntax.

    ----->>8 snip ~/cfgmis snip 8<-----
    echo -e "\033%@" && echo -e "\033(U"
    cd ~/bbs
    ./mystic -cfg
    cd $CWD

    ----->>8 snip ~/cfgmis snip 8<-----

    ----->>8 snip ~/runmis snip 8<-----
    echo -e "\033%@" && echo -e "\033(U"
    cd ~/bbs
    cd $CWD

    ----->>8 snip ~/runmis snip 8<-----

    i'm not sure what was being done here but it looks like someone was testing the bbs variable... however, they still changed into the bbs directory instead of running from where they were...

    ----->>8 snip ~/runnodespy snip 8<-----
    echo -e "\033%@" && echo -e "\033(U"
    #echo -e "\033%G"
    echo \"$MYSTICBBS\"
    export MYSTICBBS
    echo \"$MYSTICBBS\"
    echo "--------------------"
    set | egrep -i -e "mystic"
    echo "--------------------"
    read -p "hit ENTER to continue"
    cd ~/bbs
    cd $CWD

    ----->>8 snip ~/runnodespy snip 8<-----


    Always Mount a Scratch Monkey
    Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong...
    ... It's hard to believe he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm.
    + Origin: (1:3634/12.73)

    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2