• bbs or newsgroup?

    From winkin@winkin@tom.com (Winkin) to alt.bbs.pcboard on Sun Nov 23 20:44:56 2003
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.pcboard

    Here in China, BBS is very popular,simply because you can get a
    lot of information from it, every fields of information, less fields
    than in
    encryclopedia, but more useful than it. What is more, there are
    masters of every subject who are responsible for selecting the useful information from a large amount of water messages so that it is
    convient for you to search what you need. I know that in othere
    countries newsgroup is as popular as, if not more popular than BBS.

    However, take google for example, I find no master, and not collection
    of good messages. It is the same for all the newsgroup? Where can I
    find the newsgroup (or sth else) that have the characteristics which I mentioned above. Thank you!
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