• NickServ

    From warchilin66@warchilin66@RSR.remove-2qk-this to All on Sat Nov 26 09:24:23 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    Now since I said something about it my NICK had been REMOVED and registered to someone else. This has been intentionally. It really is some bullshit! I can't even login to IRC now. But at least I know who it is now.


    11/26 09:16:44a 0000 IRC RemoteClient: NICK warchilin66 ~warchilin@ eotlbbs.synchro.net :...

    þ Synchronet þ RSR - rsr.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From MRO@mro@BBSESINF.remove-wqt-this to warchilin66 on Sat Nov 26 15:32:27 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: warchilin66
    Re: NickServ
    By: warchilin66 to All on Sat Nov 26 2022 09:24 am

    Now since I said something about it my NICK had been REMOVED and registered to someone else. This has been intentionally. It really is some bullshit! I can't even login to IRC now. But at least I know who it is now.


    11/26 09:16:44a 0000 IRC RemoteClient: NICK warchilin66 ~warchilin@ eotlbbs.synchro.net :...

    that's nelgin.

    he probably grabbed it for you. or he was testing.
    i don't know. seems unnecessary.

    are you sure you just aren't confused about some things?
    And are you sure your nick was ever registered recently? not by nelgin, i mean before.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Nelgin@nelgin@EOTLBBS.remove-a44-this to warchilin66 on Mon Nov 28 02:53:55 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: warchilin66
    On Sat, 26 Nov 2022 09:24:23 -0700
    "warchilin66" <warchilin66@VERT/RSR> wrote:

    Now since I said something about it my NICK had been REMOVED and
    registered to someone else. This has been intentionally. It really is
    some bullshit! I can't even login to IRC now. But at least I know who
    it is now.

    What the hell are you bumbling on about ?

    [02:51] -NickServ- warchilin66 is James Salazar
    [02:51] -NickServ- Last seen address: war@cpugod.synchro.net
    [02:51] -NickServ- Last seen time: Nov 26 20:12:19 2022 CST
    [02:51] -NickServ- Time registered: Jan 07 21:12:47 2021 CST
    [02:51] -NickServ- Last quit message: jIRCii -
    http://www.oldschoolirc.com [02:51] -NickServ- Options:

    Is this not you? Registered since Jan 7 2021?
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Nelgin@nelgin@EOTLBBS.remove-a44-this to warchilin66 on Mon Nov 28 02:59:08 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: warchilin66
    On Sat, 26 Nov 2022 09:24:23 -0700
    "warchilin66" <warchilin66@VERT/RSR> wrote:

    Now since I said something about it my NICK had been REMOVED and
    registered to someone else. This has been intentionally. It really is
    some bullshit! I can't even login to IRC now. But at least I know who
    it is now.

    "Can't login to IRC now"

    1. IRC doesn't require a login. It requires you to register your
    username when you connect, but that is not any sort of authentication.

    2. No error message posted, no logs, no useful information to go on.

    3. An attitude which will quickly lose my interest.

    You may be cpugod, but I'm services god unless Digital Man pulls the
    plug on me. Believe it or not, I've made a change that will try to help
    your situation but unless you chill out just a little and show a little courtesy to those trying to help you, then it's possible things can be explained to you.
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From warchilin66@warchilin66@RSR.remove-cfb-this to Nelgin on Mon Nov 28 12:10:16 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: Nelgin
    It was an auto temp ban I believe. For whatever reason I had a shitty chat software that was causing my account to log out every 10 - 20 minutes. I never could figure it out so I switched chat clients. All better now. However, I was unable to to use the syhcnronet chat servers due to ChanServ policies you have in place. My only option was to remove myself from the Synchronet IRC network. Everything now works as it should. I am running through other IRC networks. All better now.

    On Sat, 26 Nov 2022 09:24:23 -0700
    "warchilin66" <warchilin66@VERT/RSR> wrote:

    Now since I said something about it my NICK had been REMOVED and registered to someone else. This has been intentionally. It really is
    some bullshit! I can't even login to IRC now. But at least I know who
    it is now.

    What the hell are you bumbling on about ?

    [02:51] -NickServ- warchilin66 is James Salazar
    [02:51] -NickServ- Last seen address: war@cpugod.synchro.net
    [02:51] -NickServ- Last seen time: Nov 26 20:12:19 2022 CST
    [02:51] -NickServ- Time registered: Jan 07 21:12:47 2021 CST
    [02:51] -NickServ- Last quit message: jIRCii -
    http://www.oldschoolirc.com [02:51] -NickServ- Options:

    Is this not you? Registered since Jan 7 2021?
    End Of The Line BBS - Plano, TX
    telnet endofthelinebbs.com 23
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com

    þ Synchronet þ RSR - rsr.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From MRO@mro@BBSESINF.remove-52g-this to warchilin66 on Mon Nov 28 22:05:48 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: warchilin66
    Re: NckServ
    By: warchilin66 to Nelgin on Mon Nov 28 2022 12:10 pm

    It was an auto temp ban I believe. For whatever reason I had a shitty chat software that was causing my account to log out every 10 - 20 minutes. I never could figure it out so I switched chat clients. All better now. However, I was unable to to use the syhcnronet chat servers due to ChanServ policies you have in place. My only option was to remove myself from the Synchronet IRC network. Everything now works as it should. I am running through other IRC networks. All better now.

    well you can still use that channel on irc.synchro.net.
    it allows you to set the topic even if you arent operator.

    btw, have you considered doing a telegram gateway?
    I have one setup and it's pretty cool. the irc users can visit the links it creates and hosts when we post images or voice chat. https://i.imgur.com/20tNMJy.png
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Nelgin@nelgin@EOTLBBS.remove-b5f-this to warchilin66 on Tue Nov 29 01:55:43 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: warchilin66
    Re: NckServ
    By: warchilin66 to Nelgin on Mon Nov 28 2022 12:10:16

    It was an auto temp ban I believe. For whatever reason I had a shitty chat software that was causing my account to log out every 10 - 20 minutes. I never could figure it out so I switched chat clients. All better now. However, I was unable to to use the syhcnronet chat servers due to ChanServ policies you have in place. My only option was to remove myself from the Synchronet IRC network. Everything now works as it should. I am running through other IRC networks. All better now.

    ChanServ has nothing to do with you not being able to connect.

    I hope you're happy with your new irc home.
    þ Synchronet þ End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From Gamgee@gamgee@PALANT.remove-fb1-this to warchilin66 on Tue Nov 29 07:48:00 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: warchilin66
    warchilin66 wrote to Nelgin <=-

    It was an auto temp ban I believe. For whatever reason I had a
    shitty chat software that was causing my account to log out every
    10 - 20 minutes. I never could figure it out so I switched chat
    clients. All better now. However, I was unable to to use the
    syhcnronet chat servers due to ChanServ policies you have in
    place. My only option was to remove myself from the Synchronet
    IRC network. Everything now works as it should. I am running
    through other IRC networks. All better now.

    Not a single word of anything you've said in this rambling topic/thread
    makes a single bit of sense. Complete gibberish and it all sounds
    made-up, to be honest. Either that or you are even more clueless than
    you've made yourself out to be, if that's possible.

    ... He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2
  • From warchilin66@warchilin66@RSR.remove-13a-this to Gamgee on Sun Dec 4 11:19:02 2022
    From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.synchronet

    To: Gamgee
    I can make it easy for you. Everything works as it should now.

    warchilin66 wrote to Nelgin <=-

    It was an auto temp ban I believe. For whatever reason I had a
    shitty chat software that was causing my account to log out every
    10 - 20 minutes. I never could figure it out so I switched chat clients. All better now. However, I was unable to to use the
    syhcnronet chat servers due to ChanServ policies you have in
    place. My only option was to remove myself from the Synchronet
    IRC network. Everything now works as it should. I am running
    through other IRC networks. All better now.

    Not a single word of anything you've said in this rambling topic/thread makes a single bit of sense. Complete gibberish and it all sounds
    made-up, to be honest. Either that or you are even more clueless than you've made yourself out to be, if that's possible.

    ... He does the work of 3 Men...Moe, Larry & Curly
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL

    þ Synchronet þ RSR - rsr.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20a-Linux NewsLink 1.113
    * Vertrauen - Riverside County, California - telnet://vert.synchro.net
    --- Synchronet 3.20c-Linux NewsLink 1.2