From Newsgroup: alt.bbs.wildcat
Hi to all you kind folks that run WINServer :)
Just wanting to let you guys here know before anyone else that I am
releasing a new product soon that will allow your WINServer system to
send messages to your cellphone!
The package has 3 modules - a login notification module, a logoff
notification module and a message sending module (with passcode option).
I am not at the BBS computer all the time so I have the logon and logoff modules installed on my BBS to let me know via a message on my cellphone
when someone logs on off off my system. The message sending module
replace the "Page Sysop" function so that users who have the correct
pass code can send their questions, etc, to my cell phone instead of on
the BBS itself.
Sadly, I am not able to make this a shareware/free package :( However,
pricing information can be obtained from me via email at
Thank you for your time and patience for putting up with this new
product announcement.
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